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Portrait of tschoepler | Jakob BehrendsHi, this is the home of tschoepler (t͡ʃœplɛr). I hold a Mas­ter of Arts in Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Design. I work on the deve­lop­ment of User Experiences and all of its facets: e. g. events, web­sites, interactive app­li­ca­ti­ons and exhibitions. I focus on strong con­cepts that best connect individuals to services, products, brands and other individuals. Solu­ti­ons that hea­vily rely on rese­arch and con­tent instead of just being loud and color­ful. Yet, a high sense for aes­the­tics and know­ledge about the pro­duc­tion pro­cess com­bi­nes the best of two worlds into func­tio­nal and highly aes­the­tic solutions.

My second love is the con­cep­tion and crea­tion of Live Visu­als. I am working on immer­sive Video sets try­ing to esta­blish an awa­ren­ess for club cul­ture rather than party cul­ture. Passing on a glimps of the con­text in which music was created is what interests me a lot.

While doing so I encoun­tered a third play­ground – the deve­lop­ment of crea­tive tools via the gra­phi­cal pro­gra­ming environ­ments MAX/MSP/Jitter and Quartz Com­po­ser. They help me to imple­ment more inter­ac­tive and com­plex pro­jects in my port­fo­lio and to use them for rapid pro­to­typ­ing and mock-ups. I really enjoy the idea of open source mate­rial and thus star­ted releasing my own code-examples and whole pro­jects.

At the moment I am also digging deep into agile project management and Scrum in particular. Maybe not very creative in a conservative sense, it has lots to offer to be more creative about how to organize creative projects and customer communication … way to go.

See you soon,

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