Social Media Death Star

The Social Media Death Star evolved from the idea to create a basis for communication between designer and client, because for many people »Social Media« is intangible. This information graphic offers an extensive insight in this sweeping and complex topic, by not only showing the quantity of Users, but particularly visualize aspects of content of different platforms. The suffix »Death Star« came into being after it occurred to us, that the graphic shows similarities to the actual super weapon from Star Wars.

From scribble to social media globe

Scribble documentation
We did lots of research on the data and many scribbles for proof of concept went into this project before even thinking about the final design.
Scribble Social Media Death Star
Master Scribble of the
Social Media Death Star
Social Media Death Star Poster
Social Media Death Star,
998 mm x 1377 mm

Buy a Death Star

A star has to have his own microsite. Go ahead and visit and get a copy of 998 mm x 1377 mm of dark wisdom.


Concept & Research Direction, Lead Design, Production

— Romina Maidel (
— tschoepler

Concept, Research

— Michael Ingino
— Niko Kruch (
— Simon Basler (

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