The Mindful International Manager

During my internship at envision+ I was responsible for the Illustrations in The Mindful International Manager by Jeremy Comfort and Peter Franklin. I also illustrated the cover-artwork. The concept was to get away from the visual language many manager books use and thus punctuate the content of the book, which is about leaving known trails and learn to understand other cultures and languages. The vectorized plants were used as a metaphor for the different situations and people an international manager faces and works with. More about the book itself and the two authors can be found on the official website at

Chapter Illustrations

Competences for Working Effectively across Cultures

Unlike many successful managers working in their home environment, mindful international managers focus in particular on the context and process of communication and cooperation as well as on outcomes. They work hard to create understanding
when managing and working with people from cultures different from their own. The knowledge and competences you need to do this effectively are what this book is about.

— Jeremy Comfort and Peter Franklin

Inofficial Trailer

I animated this unof­fi­cial Trai­ler from the data I had gene­ra­ted for the book »The Mind­ful Inter­na­tio­nal Mana­ger« during my time at design stu­dio envi­sion+.

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